“I thought perhaps she was crazy, but she was only highly intuitive.”
~Carl Jung
What is Intuition?
Intuition is the ability to know something instantly without using the rational mind. Sometimes it is thought of as a “gut feeling” or an “instinct”. Intuition does not always come from some magical, all-knowing, spiritual download. It can just be an immediate feeling around a situation, person, place, or thing. Intuition influences our behavior without conscious awareness.
Developing intuition can be powerful in the practice of BTB Feng Shui. Practitioners and experts use intuition to follow and direct the Chi (energetic flow) of environments and offer appropriate teachings to students and clients.
Anyone can cultivate their intuition through various routines, practices, and habits. Developing intuition for your inner self will lead to further understanding of the spaces, environments, and people that surround you. A good place to begin is by getting out of your head and start to feel your gut and heart, this is where intuition starts.
Get Out of Your Head
When the rational mind is too strong, the ability to trust your intuition is blocked. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. Not trusting your intuition will also manifest in your spaces and other areas of your life. Be present in your space and during any task you are undertaking. Start to feel what your spaces are telling you. The following are five tips on intuition and BTB Feng Shui.
Feng Shui Tips
1. Form a morning ritual with meditation, movement, and something green to eat. Find a routine that works for you and form a habit around it. At the very least, form a ritual around making your bed with intention.

2. Clean your front door. Cleaning your front door with intention will clarify the Chi that enters your home or space. Wipe the door down, inside and outside, with water and Castille soap and a reusable rag or towel. (Pro Tip: add essential oil to cleaning water such as rosemary or cypress to invite clarity inside.)

3. Stop using your “favorite” burner on your stove. Use all burners equally. Being mindful of using your stove enhances gut intuition. Ideally, your stove is in command position and used at least once a day. This is a center of nourishment and abundance in the practice of Feng Shui. Practitioners can offer advice on bringing your stove into command.
4. Declutter! It cannot be said enough. Clutter can create stagnant, unhealthy energy in any space. Focusing on habits around tidying daily is best. Staying present during these chores and activities is even better. When chi flows through the environment freely, without getting stuck in cluttered areas, our intuition starts to become clearer.
5. Meditate, move your body, and practice breathwork. A well-balanced and healthy diet will also allow for “gut feelings” to come through consciousness more easily. Be present in every moment, even in moments of rest. In societies that are result-driven, it is harder to get out of the rational mind, especially during times that you might feel you are being “lazy”. Rest is not lazy, it is critical to the development of intuition.