“The entry and front door of your home represent your face to the world, how the world sees you, and how easily opportunities can come to you.” ~Anjie Cho
Auspicious Blog #9
The Front Door is the entry point of Chi into your home or business. Since this is such an important component of BTB Feng Shui, the 9th Blog will be about doors, most specifically entry doors. The number 9 is auspicious in Feng Shui practice as mentioned in previous blogs. Since doors are so important in BTB Feng Shui, this blog will offer 9 tips to activate the Chi at a front entry door.
In Black Sect Tantric Buddhism Feng Shui, doors represent our voices. The front door to any space will always have a lot of impact on the Chi entering a home or business. This Chi entering is part of the Yang energy in our experiences. Springtime is an excellent time to initiate the Yang Chi of your home or business doors with the following tips.
9 Feng Shui Tips
1. Fix/repair anything broken with the door and entry.
- Squeaks, broken hardware, stuck doors, etc. Repair it all or replace the door if the problems are beyond repair.
2. Clean your front door/entry
- Cleansing off dirt and grim will allow fresh, vibrant Chi to be attracted to the entryway. This is great to do during Spring cleaning rituals.

3. Clear away clutter
- Clutter is a hot topic these days but clutter in your entryway is especially terrible for any Chi entering the space. If you are maneuvering your body around things, furniture, and clutter, the Chi will be also. Chi wants a direct path to flow through and around.
4. Paint & Refresh
- A fresh coat of paint or new decor will invite Chi inside. As you can see in a lot of the images for this blog, painting the entry door red will enhance the Feng Shui because red is an auspicious color in BTB Feng Shui.
5. Brighten your entry
- Along with a fresh coat of paint, good lighting will go a long way to encourage Chi movement. Be sure the light bulbs are sustainable and brightly illuminating.
6. Get a new welcome mat
- Getting a new welcome mat will be a signal that you are ready to invite new Chi into your home or business.
7. Get some plants or flowers for the entry
- Spring is upon us and Summer will be here soon, this is a great time to add real plants outside and/or inside the entryway of a space, home, or business. Bonus if they add symmetry to the front entry!

8. Perform a Space Clearing on your entry
- Doing this regularly will provide a continuous flow of Chi into the interior space. Smudging is always a tried and true method. Orange peel and sound clearing are excellent clearing methods also.
9. Use your front door
- No, seriously. This tip is more for homes because it seems like people use their front entry less and less these days. Stimulate the flow of Chi into your home by using the front door no less than 9 times a month but every day is best.
The Chi that comes into our homes and businesses comes through the entry door primarily. Starting with the front door is an excellent way to start to work on cultivating the Feng Shui of yourself and your space. Placing intention on using and cleaning your front entry regularly will bring the strongest flow of Chi to any space.