“Sleep is the best meditation.” ~Dalai Lama
Why is our bedroom important?
We spend at least a third of our lives sleeping. We sleep to reset our brains, heal our bodies, and metabolize the day prior.
In BTB Feng Shui, the bedroom is the center of health, healing, and restoration. A bedroom that optimizes sleep will help us live healthier lives. Feng Shui seeks to find balance in yin and yang qi. Qi can be thought of as the energy that flows in a room and ourselves.
The following are three Feng Shui tips to set up your bedroom for optimal sleep:
1. Place your bed in the correct position, known as the command position.
The command position, shown below, allows a person to see the bedroom door without being directly in line with it. This allows healthy energy to flow into the space while we sleep, even with a closed door. Being out of command can cause anxiety or sleeping issues.

In-Command Position

Out-Of-Command Position
2. Minimize stimulating or yang energy in the space.
Remove any artwork that isn’t calming. Also, remove any musical instruments, electronics, and TVs. If removing these items isn’t an option, it is important to have a ritual of shutting everything down for sleep. Along these lines, avoid doing anything other than sleeping and relaxing in your bedroom during your sleeping hours.

3. Enhance the yin energy of the bedroom.
Yin qi can be enhanced through color, light, and sound.
- Choose colors that bring tranquility and help you feel calm.
- Invest in blackout curtains or an eye mask. Avoid bright lights in your winddown rituals.
- Run an air purifier or a white noise sound machine (the only electronic that should run while you sleep).

The bedroom is a room that enhances your Qi or energy for many areas of your life. It is important to set it up for rest and relaxation while minimize stimulating activities. For advice that is more specific to your individual needs, please contact Much Love Interiors for a Mini Feng Shui Consultation of your bedroom.